Is Your Interior Décor Ready for Fall and Winter?

2 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Is your home's interior décor ready for the cold days of fall and winter? If you're not sure, here are a few ways to get it ready for the change in seasons. 1. Focus on the Entries The entry points of the home are the transition spots between the blustery elements outside and the warm, clean home inside. Therefore, these rooms should be able to provide a place where people can stop and transition. Read More 

5 Tips For A Successful Kitchen Remodel

14 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The kitchen is one of the most popular rooms in a home to remodel. If your kitchen is not currently meeting your needs, you may be dreaming up a new space. A kitchen remodeling project is a perfect way to make improvements to the room so that it serves more purpose and looks the way that you want. If you're planning a kitchen remodeling project, you'll want to plan in advance so that it goes as successfully as possible. Read More 

Design Guideline To Help You Pick The Right Blinds For Each Room In Your Home

13 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to choosing the right blinds for your home, you don't want to choose one type of blind for your entire home. You want to meet the needs of each room in your home with the blinds that you choose. For Humid Rooms When it comes to choosing blinds for rooms where there is a lot of humidity, such as the kitchen or the bathroom, you need to consider all the moisture in the space when choosing the material for the blinds. Read More